Dixon-Coles Prediction of a Single Hockey Game

## Error in optim(par = par.inits, fn = DCoptimFn, DCm = dcm, xi = xi, method = "BFGS", : non-finite finite-difference value [2]

Note: This is earlier work I did (last winter/spring) so some info may seem dated at time of posting. I’ve used data files current to then.

In section 1, we prepared historical hockey data for analysis. In section 2, we set up some functions do prepare the Dixon-Coles parameters. Now, we can use them to predict a game.

Poisson analysis is good at predicting, based on an average, the proportion of each integer events happening. So, if we expect 3.1 goals to be scored by a certain team as an average, we know that the proportion of that is going to be (in R code) dpois(3,3.1), equalling 0.2236768. Similarly, the chance that 1 and 2 goals is scored by that team to be dpois(c(1,2), 3.1) to be 0.1396525 and 0.2164614 respectively.

The Dixon-Coles optimization gave us ‘attack’ and ‘defence’ parameters, along with a home field advantage factor home and a fudge fator for low-scoring games, ‘rho’ (ρ). For two teams, Home and Away, we can calculate their expected goals socred by adding their attack, plus the opposing teams’ defence, plus (for home) the home field advantage. This will give us a ‘lambda’ (λ) and ‘mu’ (μ) which are the home and away goals expected. For example, let’s use Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Montreal Canadiens:

home <- "Montreal Canadiens"
away <- "Toronto Maple Leafs"

Montreal is a stronger team this year, we expect a higher attack and lower defence factor. For the 2015 season only, they are, in fact, 0.9781757 and -0.267567. Similarly, Toronto’s factors are 0.9660961 and 0.0829082 respectively.

We’ll do the addition to get λ and μ:

# Expected goals home
lambda <- exp(res_2015$par["HOME"] + res_2015$par["Attack.Montreal Canadiens"] + 
    res_2015$par["Defence.Toronto Maple Leafs"])
# Expected goals away
mu <- exp(res_2015$par["Attack.Toronto Maple Leafs"] + res_2015$par["Defence.Montreal Canadiens"])

Thus, we expect Montreal to score 3.1527745 goals and Toronto to score 2.0107929 goals.

Using this knowledge, we can create a probability matrix of Home and Away goals’ Poisson probability. Using λ and μ, probability_matrix <- dpois(0:maxgoal, lambda) %*% t(dpois(0:maxgoal, mu)), and a maximum number of goals per team of 8:

  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 0.0057 0.0115 0.0116 0.0078 0.0039 0.0016 5e-04 2e-04 0
1 0.018 0.0363 0.0365 0.0244 0.0123 0.0049 0.0017 5e-04 1e-04
2 0.0284 0.0572 0.0575 0.0385 0.0194 0.0078 0.0026 7e-04 2e-04
3 0.0299 0.0601 0.0604 0.0405 0.0204 0.0082 0.0027 8e-04 2e-04
4 0.0236 0.0474 0.0476 0.0319 0.016 0.0065 0.0022 6e-04 2e-04
5 0.0149 0.0299 0.03 0.0201 0.0101 0.0041 0.0014 4e-04 1e-04
6 0.0078 0.0157 0.0158 0.0106 0.0053 0.0021 7e-04 2e-04 1e-04
7 0.0035 0.0071 0.0071 0.0048 0.0024 0.001 3e-04 1e-04 0
8 0.0014 0.0028 0.0028 0.0019 9e-04 4e-04 1e-04 0 0

Table: Probability of specific score matrix

This has the away score on the top (as columns), and the home score along the side (as rows). Recall that we need to apply the τ function to this matrix, to account for low scoring games. Once that is done, we can sum the diagonal of the matrix to find the probability of a tie. The sum of the upper triangle is the probability of an away win, and the sum of the lower triangle is the home win.

Putting it all together we get this function:

predictResult <- function(res, home, away, maxgoal = 8) {
    attack.home <- paste("Attack", home, sep = ".")
    attack.away <- paste("Attack", away, sep = ".")
    defence.home <- paste("Defence", home, sep = ".")
    defence.away <- paste("Defence", away, sep = ".")
    # Expected goals home
    lambda <- exp(res$par["HOME"] + res$par[attack.home] + res$par[defence.away])
    # Expected goals away
    mu <- exp(res$par[attack.away] + res$par[defence.home])
    probability_matrix <- dpois(0:maxgoal, lambda) %*% t(dpois(0:maxgoal, mu))
    scaling_matrix <- matrix(tau(c(0, 1, 0, 1), c(0, 0, 1, 1), lambda, mu, res$par["RHO"]), 
        nrow = 2)
    probability_matrix[1:2, 1:2] <- probability_matrix[1:2, 1:2] * scaling_matrix
    HomeWinProbability <- sum(probability_matrix[lower.tri(probability_matrix)])
    DrawProbability <- sum(diag(probability_matrix))
    AwayWinProbability <- sum(probability_matrix[upper.tri(probability_matrix)])
    return(c(HomeWinProbability, DrawProbability, AwayWinProbability))

probs_2015 <- predictResult(res_2015, home, away)
probs_all <- predictResult(res_all, home, away)
## Error in predictResult(res_all, home, away): object 'res_all' not found
probs_2015_time <- predictResult(time_res_2015, home, away)
probs_all_time <- predictResult(time_res_all, home, away)

Now we can look at one of the results (say, 2015 not time weighted) and see the probability of a home win (Montreal), draw, or away win (Toronto): 0.5968457, 0.1736576, 0.2240437. In fact, we can plot the probabilities for the four fits we have, to show the effect of each fit type.

## Error in rbind(probs_2015, probs_2015_time, probs_all, probs_all_time): object 'probs_all' not found
## Error in colnames(probs_df) <- c("Montreal Win", "Draw", "Toronto Win"): object 'probs_df' not found
## Error in probs_df$Sim.Type <- c("2015 Season", "2015 Season Time Weighted", : object 'probs_df' not found
## Error in melt(probs_df, id.vars = "Sim.Type"): object 'probs_df' not found
## Error in ggplot(pmelt, aes(y = value, x = variable, fill = Sim.Type)): object 'pmelt' not found

While the odds of a draw haven’t changed much, the odds of a Montreal or Toronto win have slightly. Note that over the past 10 years, Montreal has performed better, on average, than Toronto, so this is expected. As well, Monteal benefits from the home ice advantage. We can calculate this for a Toronto home game too.

## Error in predictResult(res_all, away, home): object 'res_all' not found
## Error in colnames(probs_df) <- c("Toronto Win", "Draw", "Montreal Win"): object 'probs_df' not found
## Error in probs_df$Sim.Type <- c("2015 Season", "2015 Season Time Weighted", : object 'probs_df' not found
## Error in melt(probs_df, id.vars = "Sim.Type"): object 'probs_df' not found
## Error in ggplot(pmelt, aes(y = value, x = variable, fill = Sim.Type)): object 'pmelt' not found

Why the difference in these two results? That’s because the home advantage factor ranges not insignificantly. While not a huge range, it does impact the probabilities enough to make a noticeable difference.

We can predict scores for our Toronto at Montreal game with some random number work. First, we’ll modify the probability matrix to contain the sum of the probabilities to that point. Then we can index goals based on the probability correllating to a random number.

pmatrix <- matrix(nrow = nrow(probability_matrix), ncol = ncol(probability_matrix))
current_p <- 0
for (i in 1:ncol(pmatrix)) {
    for (j in 1:nrow(pmatrix)) {
        pmatrix[j, i] <- current_p
        current_p <- current_p + probability_matrix[j, i]

predictOneGame <- function(pmatrix, stats, home, away) {
    random <- runif(1)
    # This ensures that there's no issue with random number larger than the
    # largest pmatrix probability
    while (random > pmatrix[nrow(pmatrix), ncol(pmatrix)]) {
        random <- runif(1)
    score <- as.vector(which(pmatrix > random, arr.ind = T)[1, ])
    # scores is matrix c(home away), returning INDEX (ie 0-0 is 1,1)
    score <- score - 1

So, we can predict the score for a game with predictOneGame, and get a result of home away:

predictOneGame(pmatrix, home, away)
## [1] 4 1

Lets’ do that a few times, to see the different results we get.

t(replicate(10, predictOneGame(pmatrix, home, away)))
##       [,1] [,2]
##  [1,]    6    1
##  [2,]    5    2
##  [3,]    5    4
##  [4,]    3    1
##  [5,]    4    4
##  [6,]    2    5
##  [7,]    8    2
##  [8,]    6    2
##  [9,]    4    0
## [10,]    3    1

But, recall that the NHL doesn’t allow draws. We cold solve that by randomly choosing a winner, but that does a disservice to teams who excel at those scenarios. A simple way of adding OT is to use the log5 method, invented by Bill James, which applies the following formula, (from Wikipedia) The Log5 estimate for the probability of A defeating B is $p_{A,B} = \frac{p_A-p_A\times p_B}{p_A+p_B-2\times p_A\times p_B}$, where $p_A$ is the proportion of A wins, and $p_B$ is the proportion of B wins. For now, we’ll plug in even values (we’ll use pa=pb=0.5, so log5 = (pa-(pa*pb))/(pa+pb-(2*pa*pb)) will equal 0.5 as well), but later we can re-evaluate performance of each team.

We’ll also go 50/50 for Shootout and Overtime, but can adjust those odds later too.

Re-writing the score prediction formula will give us the chance to simulate draw handling.

predictOneGame <- function(pmatrix, stats, home, away) {
    random <- runif(1)
    # This ensures that there's no issue with random number larger than the
    # largest pmatrix probability
    while (random > pmatrix[nrow(pmatrix), ncol(pmatrix)]) {
        random <- runif(1)
    score <- as.vector(which(pmatrix > random, arr.ind = T)[1, ])
    # scores is matrix c(home away), returning INDEX (ie 0-0 is 1,1)
    score <- score - 1
    score[3] <- NA
    if (score[1] == score[2]) {
        if (runif(1) > 0.5) {
            score[1] <- score[1] + 1
        } else {
            score[2] <- score[2] + 1
        if (runif(1) > 0.5) {
            score[3] <- "OT"
        } else {
            score[3] <- "SO"

Trying this score simulation again:

t(replicate(10, predictOneGame(pmatrix, home, away)))
##       [,1] [,2] [,3]
##  [1,] "2"  "1"  NA  
##  [2,] "2"  "3"  NA  
##  [3,] "7"  "1"  NA  
##  [4,] "4"  "3"  NA  
##  [5,] "3"  "2"  NA  
##  [6,] "4"  "3"  "SO"
##  [7,] "4"  "3"  NA  
##  [8,] "7"  "4"  NA  
##  [9,] "3"  "1"  NA  
## [10,] "7"  "2"  NA

To predict the winner of a game in OT, we’ll use the win percentages of each team in the most recent season. Let’s grab the results from 2015 and figure out each team’s OT and Shootout results. We have to look at each game, so we’ll take this opportunity to collect the rest of the stats available to make a stats table.

makeStatsTable <- function(df) {
    tmpTable = data.frame(Team = sort(unique(df$AwayTeam)), GP = 0, W = 0, OTL = 0, 
        L = 0, ROW = 0, HomeGames = 0, HomeWin = 0, HomeOTW = 0, HomeSOW = 0, 
        HomeOTL = 0, HomeLoss = 0, AwayGames = 0, AwayWin = 0, AwayOTW = 0, 
        AwaySOW = 0, AwayOTL = 0, AwayLoss = 0, P = 0, HomeFor = 0, HomeAgainst = 0, 
        AwayFor = 0, AwayAgainst = 0, GF = 0, GA = 0, DIFF = 0, PP = 0, OT.Win.Percent = 0)
    # Games Played
    tmpTable$HomeGames = as.numeric(table(df$HomeTeam))
    tmpTable$AwayGames = as.numeric(table(df$AwayTeam))
    # Wins
    tmpTable$HomeWin = as.numeric(table(df$HomeTeam[df$HG > df$AG]))
    tmpTable$AwayWin = as.numeric(table(df$AwayTeam[df$AG > df$HG]))
    # Losses
    tmpTable$HomeLoss = as.numeric(table(df$HomeTeam[df$AG > df$HG]))
    tmpTable$AwayLoss = as.numeric(table(df$AwayTeam[df$HG > df$AG]))
    # OT Wins
    tmpTable$HomeOTW = as.numeric(table(df$HomeTeam[(df$OT.Win == "H") & (df$OT.SO == 
    tmpTable$HomeSOW = as.numeric(table(df$HomeTeam[(df$OT.Win == "H") & (df$OT.SO == 
    tmpTable$AwayOTW = as.numeric(table(df$AwayTeam[(df$OT.Win == "A") & (df$OT.SO == 
    tmpTable$AwaySOW = as.numeric(table(df$AwayTeam[(df$OT.Win == "A") & (df$OT.SO == 
    # OT Losses
    tmpTable$HomeOTL = as.numeric(table(df$HomeTeam[(df$OT.Win == "A")]))
    tmpTable$AwayOTL = as.numeric(table(df$AwayTeam[(df$OT.Win == "H")]))
    # W/L/OTL/ROW
    tmpTable$GP = tmpTable$HomeGames + tmpTable$AwayGames
    tmpTable$W = tmpTable$HomeWin + tmpTable$AwayWin + tmpTable$HomeOTW + tmpTable$HomeSOW + 
        tmpTable$AwayOTW + tmpTable$AwaySOW
    tmpTable$OTL = tmpTable$HomeOTL + tmpTable$AwayOTL
    tmpTable$L = tmpTable$HomeLoss + tmpTable$AwayLoss
    tmpTable$ROW = tmpTable$W - (tmpTable$HomeSOW + tmpTable$AwaySOW)
    # Goal Diffs (includes OT scores)
    tmpTable$HomeFor = as.numeric(tapply(df$HG, df$HomeTeam, sum, na.rm = TRUE)) + 
        tmpTable$HomeOTW + tmpTable$HomeSOW
    tmpTable$HomeAgainst = as.numeric(tapply(df$AG, df$HomeTeam, sum, na.rm = TRUE)) + 
    tmpTable$AwayFor = as.numeric(tapply(df$AG, df$AwayTeam, sum, na.rm = TRUE)) + 
        tmpTable$AwayOTW + tmpTable$AwaySOW
    tmpTable$AwayAgainst = as.numeric(tapply(df$HG, df$AwayTeam, sum, na.rm = TRUE)) + 
    tmpTable$GF = ifelse(is.na(tmpTable$HomeFor), 0, tmpTable$HomeFor) + ifelse(is.na(tmpTable$AwayFor), 
        0, tmpTable$AwayFor)
    tmpTable$GA = ifelse(is.na(tmpTable$HomeAgainst), 0, tmpTable$HomeAgainst) + 
        ifelse(is.na(tmpTable$AwayAgainst), 0, tmpTable$AwayAgainst)
    tmpTable$DIFF = tmpTable$GF - tmpTable$GA
    # Additional Stats
    tmpTable$P = 2 * tmpTable$W + tmpTable$OTL
    tmpTable$PP = tmpTable$P/tmpTable$GP
    tmpTable$OT.Win.Percent = (tmpTable$HomeOTW + tmpTable$HomeSOW + tmpTable$AwayOTW + 
        tmpTable$AwaySOW)/(tmpTable$HomeOTW + tmpTable$HomeSOW + tmpTable$AwayOTW + 
        tmpTable$AwayOTL + tmpTable$OTL)
    tmpTable <- tmpTable[, c("Team", "GP", "W", "OTL", "L", "ROW", "P", "GF", 
        "GA", "DIFF", "PP", "OT.Win.Percent")]
    tmpTable <- tmpTable[order(-tmpTable$P, -tmpTable$PP, -tmpTable$ROW, -tmpTable$DIFF), 
    rownames(tmpTable) <- 1:nrow(tmpTable)

We use it by calling makeStatsTable with the input being the season data.

Team GP W OTL L ROW P GF GA OT.Win.Percent
New York Rangers 82 53 7 22 49 113 252 192 0.5882
Montreal Canadiens 82 50 10 22 43 110 221 189 0.619
Anaheim Ducks 82 51 7 24 43 109 236 226 0.6667
St. Louis Blues 82 51 7 24 42 109 248 201 0.6667
Tampa Bay Lightning 82 50 8 24 47 108 262 211 0.3333
Nashville Predators 82 47 10 25 41 104 232 208 0.5
Chicago Blackhawks 82 48 6 28 39 102 229 189 0.8
Vancouver Canucks 82 48 5 29 42 101 242 222 0.7059
Washington Capitals 82 45 11 26 40 101 242 203 0.4
New York Islanders 82 47 7 28 40 101 252 230 0.619
Minnesota Wild 82 46 8 28 42 100 231 201 0.5
Detroit Red Wings 82 43 14 25 39 100 235 221 0.4074
Ottawa Senators 82 43 13 26 37 99 238 215 0.4333
Winnipeg Jets 82 43 13 26 36 99 230 210 0.3929
Pittsburgh Penguins 82 43 12 27 39 98 221 210 0.3571
Calgary Flames 82 45 7 30 41 97 241 216 0.65
Boston Bruins 82 41 14 27 37 96 213 211 0.4062
Los Angeles Kings 82 40 15 27 38 95 220 205 0.1154
Dallas Stars 82 41 10 31 37 92 261 260 0.5
Florida Panthers 82 38 15 29 30 91 206 223 0.3214
Colorado Avalanche 82 39 12 31 29 90 219 227 0.4138
San Jose Sharks 82 40 9 33 36 89 228 232 0.375
Columbus Blue Jackets 82 42 5 35 33 89 236 250 0.8235
Philadelphia Flyers 82 33 18 31 30 84 215 234 0.2162
New Jersey Devils 82 32 14 36 27 78 181 216 0.2308
Carolina Hurricanes 82 30 11 41 25 71 188 226 0.3158
Toronto Maple Leafs 82 30 8 44 25 68 211 262 0.4
Edmonton Oilers 82 24 14 44 19 62 198 283 0.2414
Arizona Coyotes 82 24 8 50 19 56 170 272 0.5556
Buffalo Sabres 82 23 8 51 15 54 161 274 0.5625

Table: Table of statistics in 2015-2016 season to today.

We’ll feed it into a log5 function, and use that instead of a factor of 0.5 to determine OT winners. As well, it’s trivial to determine that on average, the number of games ending in shootout is slightly higher than the number ending in overtime.

log5.OT.predictor <- function(stats, home, away) {
    # reurns chances that home team wins in OT
    pa <- stats[stats$Team == home, ]$OT.Win.Percent
    pb <- stats[stats$Team == away, ]$OT.Win.Percent
    log5 <- (pa - (pa * pb))/(pa + pb - (2 * pa * pb))

predict_one_game <- function(pmatrix, stats, home, away) {
    random <- runif(1)
    while (random > pmatrix[nrow(pmatrix), ncol(pmatrix)]) {
        random <- runif(1)
    score <- as.vector(which(pmatrix > random, arr.ind = T)[1, ])
    # scores is matrix c(home away)
    score <- score - 1
    score[3] <- NA
    if (score[1] == score[2]) {
        if (runif(1) < log5.OT.predictor(stats, home, away)) {
            # Home Win
            score[1] <- score[1] + 1
        } else {
            score[2] <- score[2] + 1
        if (runif(1) < 0.56) {
            score[3] <- "SO"
        } else {
            score[3] <- "OT"

Finally, one more round of predictions:

t(replicate(10, predictOneGame(pmatrix, home, away)))
##       [,1] [,2] [,3]
##  [1,]    7    0   NA
##  [2,]    4    1   NA
##  [3,]    7    1   NA
##  [4,]    2    0   NA
##  [5,]    7    1   NA
##  [6,]    3    4   NA
##  [7,]    5    1   NA
##  [8,]    3    2   NA
##  [9,]    5    2   NA
## [10,]    3    2   NA

Next time we’ll look at predicting a whole sesason.

Written on August 8, 2016